
I was born in Venezuela (1962) I am the daughter of a Franco-Spanish emigrant and a Colombian mother. Of Colombian nationality, I have lived in Bogotá since I was 6 years old.
I started industrial design studies in Rome, but my training has been mainly self-taught. In my work I have covered various disciplines, from painting and plastic arts; passing through scenography, art direction for theater, cinema and video, to graphic and editorial design for the cultural area, which has been my most frequent activity for 30 years.
My passion for photography materialized in 2009, and since then it has been my daily bread. So far I have almost 5,000 photographs taken between 2009 and 2022, where the central theme has been Bogotá. I have made several collective exhibitions in the Mü gallery in Bogotá, two of my portfolios were selected among artists from Spain and the world to participate in the Absolut portfolio of Spain 2012 call. I was the Winner of the IDARTES Chronicle of Daily Life in Bogotá award. 2013, I made my first individual exhibition Asphalt Universes in Sin Title Gallery of Bogotá. I was selected to participate in the Latin American Exhibition of the AACIA 2014 Contemporary Identities / Invisible Gestures, within the framework of the Fotoweek DC festival. (Washington DC) November 2014/ January 2015. In 2015 I held several collective exhibitions in Bogotá, among which stand out; Photographic Bogotá 2015, Glory/Gloria at the Centro Colombo Americano headquarters, Foto 360 at the 360-degree Gallery in Bogotá DC and Bogotá on Earth , collective exhibition Beca Red Galería Santa Fe District Stimulus Program 2015 , itinerant exhibition that took place at the Virgilio Barco library, and in the temporary headquarters of the Santa Fe gallery. In February 2017 I was selected along with prominent photographers and artists for the Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival, France. Am National guest at Fotografica Bogotá 2017, an exhibition that took place in May 2017 organized by Fotomuseo de Bogotá. In October 2017 I exhibited a collective Photokinetic in WorkHost with outstanding photography artists. B ogochromias which was an individual exhibition of BibloRed in the Tunal, Tintal and Virgilio Barco libraries with a duration of 4 months between October 2017 and January 2018. In March 2019, my individual exhibition Bogotá was inaugurated in venue A : Bogotá: beauty, amnesia and nightmare at the invitation of the Zona Cinco Film and Photography school, I was invited by the same school to the Documenting Bogotá Photoreportage Meeting, which took place from August 14 to 18, 2019 in the city of Bogotá in commemoration of its 15 years of its foundation. In June and July I participated in the collective virtual exhibition TELEFOTO 01 curated by Franklin Aguirre at the Elvira Moreno Contemporary Art Gallery. I am currently preparing an exhibition for April 14, 2022 in room II of the Inca Garcilaso house of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru in Lima, scheduled for August-October 2020, but which was postponed due to the pandemic. In this same year I will participate in the Latinas in Paris 2022 exhibition from May 2 to 15 in the same city, organized by Fotogáfas Latam.
In my activity as a photographer I have presented Bogotografías ( conversation and audiovisual projection ) in Sala Aurelio Arturo, of the National Library of Colombia, Casa Tomada Bookstore, Alejandro Novoa Auditorium of the Javeriana University of Bogotá , and Asphalt Universes in the San Juan Cultural Center Nepomucene of Santa Marta. I was chosen by graphic OPs for their 2016 Calendar. I have taught photography workshops for the Colombian-French Alliance in Colombia, the Banco de la República and graphic design workshops for various universities in Colombia.
I was a member of COPLA (lifetime jury) of the Steel Pencil Award and graphic columnist for the magazine Proyecto Diseño. I have been a jury for numerous photographic and visual contests in Colombia.
Studies: 1980-1982. Industrial design. Superior Institute for the Artistic Industry of Rome. University of Rome Italy.
1983-1984. Free engraving workshops Universidad de los Andes.
1987- Rutluk Al Performance CRA 7 with Rosario Jaramillo. Bogota.
Installation moves . 69 with 12. Building under construction. Bogota.
1988- Processes II and Processes I I. Exhibition hall of the TPB Bogotá.
1990 - In question, Installation. XXXIII National Salon of Artists. Ministry of
Culture. Corferias Bogotá.
1997 - IV Regional Halls, Severo Revés , Installation. Savannah Station.
Ministry of Culture, Santa Fe de Bogotá.
1999 - The Natural Library of Pedro Ruíz. Object book. Collective. Diners Gallery.
Santa Fe de Bogota.
National Salon Awards. Appropriations, collective. Museum of Modern Art
from Bogota.
2000- Map Project, intervention. Sextant Gallery, Bogotá, Fifth Gallery
Papers, Caracas Venezuela.
2001- Images that Navigate, Alternate Room. Uniandes. Collective. Bogota.
2002- Diving suit . Installed animation. Summoned by Proyecto Escalera. library
interactive of the National Park.
2003- Objects on stage , Collective. Valenzuela & Klenner Gallery. Bogota.
2010- A day in the life of Colombia – 200 years later, Fotomuseo
National Museum of Photography.
2011- Southern Topographies , a tribute to the Unusual Places series
(Uncommon Places) by Stephen Shore. MÜ Gallery. Bogota.
2011- Reveal yourself the street is the museum. Auction.
2011- Photofest 300 . MÜ Gallery. Bogota.
2011- Odeon Fair . MÜ Gallery. Bogota.
2012- Urban catwalk, presentation by Susana Carrié for the SLIDELUCK POT SHOW
2013- Reveal yourself the street is the museum , conversation at the Zona Cinco school.
-Sobandero El Tigre , street exhibition in large format calle 93A with race
11, Bogota.
-Bogotographies, conversation and audiovisual projection, Sala Aurelio Arturo de la
National Library of Colombia, Casa Tomada Bookstore and Alexander Auditorium
Novoa from the Javeriana University of Bogotá.
- Prize Winner : Photographic chronicle of daily life in Bogotá 2013.
IDARTES, with Urban Footbridge from my window
2014- Urban walkway from my window . Exhibition Photographic Chronicle Prize of the
daily life in Bogotá 2013. IDARTES. Exhibition Alley of the Jorge Eliecer Gaitán.
- Universes of asphalt. Solo exhibition. Untitled Gallery, Bogotá,
2015- Contemporary Identities / Invisible Gestures , within the framework of the Fotoweek DC Festival
(Washington DC).
-National Invitation ,FOTOGRAFICA BOGOTÁ 2015 VI International Meeting
of Photography of Bogota.
- Photo 360º , Collective exhibition in the Gallery Others 360º
- Glory/Gloria, Collective exhibition at the Centro Colombo-Americano cede centro.
- Bogotá on Earth, Santa Fe Gallery Network Scholarship, Virgilio Barco Library District Incentive Program.
- Call for a dream Fundación Prema, Casa Cano gallery, August 2015.
- Asphalt Universes, audiovisual projection and discussion Center Cultural San Juan Nepomuceno, Santa Marta.
- Bogoshorts Exposes. Collective. Plaza of the Garcia Marquez Center
- Bogotá on earth , Collective. Santa Fe Gallery, Virgilio Barco Library
2016- - OP Graphics Calendar 2016.
- FECI 2016. Independent film fair. June. Collective exhibition. -
- Bogoshorts Exposes . Collective. Plaza of the Garcia Marquez Center
2017- Bogoshorts “Salle Gaillard” photographic exhibition in Clermont Ferrand, France from February 3 to 28, 2017.
- National Photographic Guest Bogotá 2017. Museum of Bogotá, May.
-Photokinetic collective exhibition, October.
2017-2018 - Bogocromías Individual exhibition, BibloRed: Gabriel García Márquez Library (El Tunal),
El Tintal Library, Virgilio Barco Library. Duration 4 months (October 2017-January 2018.
2018- Noise Times. IDARTES Interdisciplinary Creation Scholarship, 2018. Santa Clara Museum. Bogota.
2019- single show, Bogotá: beauty, amnesia and nightmare in Zona Cinco, March-June, 2019.
-Selected for the SSMF 2019 exhibition (Screening Scholarship Media Festival) Philadelphia. Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania with Times of Noise.
2020- TELEFOTO 01, collective, curated by Franklin Aguirre at the Elvira Moreno Contemporary Art Gallery.
2003- O bjects on stage, a graphic look at the theatrical universe . Valenzuela and Klenner Gallery.
2009- IV International Congress of Graphic Design Coidigra. Tribute to David Consuegra. Leon de Geiff Auditorium.
National university of Colombia.
2010- Urban Re-vision Conference, Tuesday, August 4, 2009, program,
Art and Science season 2009. Central University.
2011- Coversatory. 23 of February. Modern Gym.
- Conversation in the Mü gallery. Bogota.
2013- Reveal yourself the street is the museum , conversation at the Zona Cinco school. now and
Colombian-French alliance. Bogota.
- Revélate la calle es el museo, street exhibition in large format calle 93ª with
11, Bogota.
- Bogotographies , conversation and audiovisual projection Sala Aurelio Arturo,
National Library of Colombia, Casa Tomada Bookstore, and Alejandro Auditorium
Novoa from the Javeriana University of Bogotá.
2014- First Colombian meeting of urban photography, lecturer. Organized
by Fujifilm of Colombia.
-Conference The future is not what it was, an approximation to the imaginaries of innovation, creativity and plagiarism in the graphic design. Industrial University of Santander, November Bucaramanga.
2015- - Conference and workshop Processes in the digital restoration of the archive of Sady González, Banco de la República, Cúcuta.
-Conversation and photographic projection Without filter, District Planetarium of Bogotá
-Conference and workshop Processes in the digital restoration of the archive of Sady González, Bucaramanga.
Bank of the Republic.
- Practical theoretical workshop, An approach to the awareness of the look in urban environments . French alliance, Bank of the Republic. September. Santa Marta.
2019- documented conversation, Bogotá: beauty, amnesia and nightmare with several videos about my work at headquarters B of
The Zona Cinco film and photography school based in Bogotá.
1990- Pure Patafisíca Sunday Magazine. The Spectator June 3, 1990.
1996- Abysses Magazine Number 7. September- October 1995.
2011- Book A day in the life of Colombia – 200 years later, Photographic call, Fotomuseo,
National Museum of Photography.
2011-Book Reveal yourself the street is the museum . ANGORA editors
2012- Book Reveal yourself the street is the museum. ANGORA editors
1997- Documentary profile thesis of degree in communication Javeriana University of Nasly Boude.
1998- Press conference 37th National Artists Salon. Culture Ministry.
three artists. Interview for the channel Señal Colombia. Profile, interview. capital channel.
Women online , CITY TV interview.
2005 -Welcome review in the magazine El Malpensante No 67.
2006- Let's go to the movies, interview, broadcast January 2007 Audiovisuals, Señal Colombia
2007- Culturama, Signal Colombia. Interview,
2009- Design Project Magazine No. 60 pages 21 to 23.
2009- Project Design Magazine No 62. Interview. Jury of the Steel Pencil Award 2009.
2010- Project Design Magazine No. 65 page 3, 21, 64.
2012- Bogota-graphics . Cartel Urbano Magazine .com
-Spanish publication http: //
-Review by photographer Lalo Borja for the cultural magazine
The Photographic Work of Susana Carrié
-Printed and digital review Credencial Magazine:
2013- October 25, profile-interview EN ÓRBITA, SEÑAL COLOMBIA program
2014- Capture de Fujifilm Colombian photography magazine
2014- Interview with Antonio Morales in El primer Café , Canal Capital.
2014- Interview with GO Leisure Guide magazine. and
2015- Invited Portfolio . PHOTOMUSEUM.
2016- Women who portray Colombia (Mon, 06/20/2016)
- DARQ Interview No. 18. Digital and printed publication. Magazine of architecture and urbanism. University of the Andes
2018- Arcadia Magazine:
2019- “Bogotá, amnesia beauty and nightmare”, the new exhibition of Zona Cinco Culture Feb 26 2019 - 4:03
pm By: CULTURE WRITING of El Espectador newspaper .
2019- Interview in the radio program "The voice of the images" in Radio Nacional de Colombia RCVT.
2020- ALUCINE radio program of the Radio Broadcaster of the National University of Colombia, directed by Armando Russi,
"Susana Carrié and her relationship with the cinema"September 10.